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Simon Sinek is a Renowned Speaker, Optimist, and Author. After accumulating hundreds of millions of views in his ever-popular talks circulating online through TEDTalks and other sources on Millennials in the workforce and optimism in business and the economy, Simon seems the go-to for a positive dose of outlook when everyone just wants to point fingers and dunk on each other. It's not about entitlement, not about people not wanting to work, or pervasive laziness. He approaches with the question "Why?" Why are things as they are? What has led to these outcomes? How is it affecting the individuals? All this is for a much more optimistic, empathetic view of how and why we work. If you're looking for a new and fresh approach to the concepts you've heard over and over again you've got to hear what Simon has to say! It's not about blame, but it is about solutions, and it's a riveting conversation! Check it out!
Simon Sinek’s Website -
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