The InstantVap Lite - A More Affordable Mite Killing Machine
The Instantvap Lite - A More Affordable Mite Killing Machine
I obtained an Instanvap LIte Oxalic Acid Vaporizer and decided to give it a try. In this video I demostrate how it works compared to the original INstantvap and the Instantvap Compact. I will tell you this much...I was pleasantly surprised!
Products I Recommend (affiliate links)
Instantvap/Lorobbees Oxalic Acid Vaporizers:
Link for Hive Alive (Code BRUCE10 for 10% dIscount):
Nature's Image Farm Bee Equipment (Endurahive and More):
Super DFM Probiotics (Code BRUCE10 for 10% discount):
#brucesbees #oxalicacidvaporizer #lorobbees