On the ninth of August 378 AD, a force of Gothic refugees under the command of Fritigern, destroyed a Roman field army at Adrianople. Emperor Valens himself perished during the fighting. Coming from the Pontic steppe, these Goths fled the oppression of the Huns to take refuge in the Roman empire. From this day onwards, various groups of Goths would strive for a safe home inside imperial territory. One of these groups, the Ostrogoths, would eventually establish a powerful kingdom at the heart of the classical empire.
⏰ Timestamps
0:00 - After Adrianople
3:45 - Survival in Pannonia
8:49 - Struggle in the Balkans
12:16 - The Conquest of Italia
16:57 - Theodoric the Great
34:43 - Amalasuintha's regency
38:01 - The Gothic War
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🎵 Music
Zero Hour - Reynard Seidel
Deconstructing the Empire - Christian Andersen
Desperate Insurgance - Jon Bjork
Survival - Bonnie Grace
Like a Tiger - Jo Wandrini
Where Heroes Come to Die - Hampus Naeselius
Age Of Men - Jo Wandrini
Disciples of Sun Tzu - Christian Andersen
Peacekeepers - Dream Cave
Forging an Empire - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen
Army of Darkness - Eoin Mantell
Wild Betrayal - Bonnie Grace
The Big Chase - Bonnie Grace
The Last Disaster - Howard Harper-Barnes
Truce No More - Dream Cave
This Is Our Land - Bonnie Grace
The Final Cut - Hampus Naeselius
📚 Sources
- Hans-Ulrich Wiemer, Theodoric the Great - King of the Goths, Ruler of the Romans: Yale; 2023
- Thomas Burns, A History of the Ostrogoths: Indiana; 1984
🌐 Online resources
- Wikipedia fr eng, 2024
- Historical Maps on Youtube