Go to: https://go.nebula.tv/notjustbikes for full access to Nebula for $30 per year (plus applicable taxes).
I have no interest in making “debunking” videos, but there’s one lame excuse that is so common, so prevalent, so ubiquitous, that I was literally forced to make this video. It's true: I had no other choice. My hands were drawn to the keyboard to write this script like they were possessed by the ghosts of people killed by cars.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/notjustbikes
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[email protected]
NJB Live (my live-streaming channel): @njblive
References & Further Reading
Downtown Houston, 1912
Country size comparisons
Number of Vehicle Trips by Trip Distance
US Department of Transportation
NHTS BRIEF November 2006
National Household Travel Survey - Commuting for Life
Urban sprawl erodes rural lands
Ontario loses 175 acres of farmland to urban development a day, says farmers group
[Netherlands] Agricultural export in 2021 in excess of 100 billion euros for the first time
Ray Hill’s Tunnel photograph (2019) by Michael Manoni
Why did Minneapolis tear down its biggest train station?
This video contains content licensed from Getty Images.
0:00 Introduction
0:57 People don't know this stuff
1:42 The excuses begin
2:30 Most travel is local
3:41 Life is more than commuting
4:35 America was built for trains
5:40 Even intercity travel is regional
6:41 Conducteurs sans frontieres
7:45 Walkability can exist anywhere
8:34 It's all land use
10:43 Wrapping up
11:31 Try Nebula, it's great!
12:42 Patreon shout-out