你們跟我們之間的差別 | The differences between you and me | 曾寶儀 Bowie Tsang | TEDxTaipei

你們跟我們之間的差別 | The differences between you and me | 曾寶儀 Bowie Tsang | TEDxTaipei

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你們跟我們之間的差別 | The differences between you and me | 曾寶儀 Bowie Tsang | TEDxTaipei
人們常常在心裡畫出一條根本不存在的界線,急著區分「你們」和「我們」。在製作美墨邊境難民專題的時候,曾寶儀突然意識到,不論是托著荷槍實彈痛罵移民的美國民兵,或是不希望無辜生命渴死而在沙漠中送水的人道主義者,抑或是賭上一切帶著女兒衝過美墨邊界的年輕移民媽媽,撕下對他們的標籤,我們會發現,他們也都和我們一樣,只是個人。 When Bowie Tsang was sent on a work mission to interview individuals at the US-Mexico border, she met with an American anti-immigrant militia member, a humanitarian aid volunteer, and a young immigrant mother-daughter duo crossing the US-Mexico border. In this heart-wrenching talk, find out how different circumstances have brought these unrelated individuals here at the border, and why they all deserve to have their stories told. ----- 歌手、主持人、演員、作家集於一身的全方位藝人,豐富的主持經驗涵蓋整個華語地區,各大國際電影頒獎典禮、大型晚會、跨年活動主持。近年來更參與主持、策劃紀錄片《明天之前》製作,探索人類未來將共同面臨的科技、社會、人文等顛覆與變革,並思考如何在這樣的變化中與自我、與他人相處,以及與這個世界連結關係。 Bowie Tsang is an accomplished actor, singer, writer, and television personality. She also has had extensive experience hosting large award ceremonies and televised events in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Her most recent work is a documentary series that examines how ongoing changes in the field of science, technology and humanity has forced individuals to re-learn about their connections with themselves, each other, and their communities. ----- This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx