The Complete Travels of Túrin Turambar | Tolkien Explained
Túrin Turambar is one of the greatest warriors in The Silmarillion. We track his many travels from throughout his life - his childhood in Dor-lómin, fostering in Doriath, leading the group of outlaws (the Gaurwaith), as well as his time in Nargothrond and Brethil. We follow his great friendship with Beleg Strongbow, his many tragic deeds, and his greatest fight with Glaurung the dragon.
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Turner Mohan -
Ted Nasmith -
Jerry Vanderstelt -
Jenny Dolfen -
Turin - Kenneth Sofia
Beleg - Natalie Chen
Turin - Liga Klavina
Charge of Mormegil - Robert Bugan
Hurin & Morgoth - Denis Gordeev
Turin Turambar - Alan Lee
Beleriand Map - Lamaarcana
Hurin - Steamey
Lalaith - Ted Nasmith
Laughter is stilled - Anna Kulisz
Turin - Jenny Dolfen
Morgoth punishes Hurin - Ted Nasmith
Morgoth curses Hurin - Fumeres Art
Morwen and Turin - Marya Filatova
Thingol Fosters Turin - Denis Gordeev
Beleg Saves Young Turin - Maria Awsejkowa
Beren & Luthien in the Court of Thingol & Melian - Donato Giancola
Morwen and Turin - Catherine Chmiel
The Second Sorrow of Turin - Peter Xavier Price
Turin - Klaus Wittmann
The Royal Court of Thingol - Steamey
Young Turin & Beleg - Peter Xavier Price
Turin Turambar - Jenny Dolfen
Sword and Bow - Julia Lyasgina
Dragon Helm of Dor-lomin - Jan Pospisil
Hurin in Captivity - Peter Xavier Price
Turin and Saeros - Denis Cordeev
Turin and Saeros - Ivana Lekseich
The Shaming of Saeros - Ralph Damiani
Saeros' Fatal Leap - Ted Nasmith
Saeros' Death - Peter Xavier Price
Turin Among the Outlaws - Alan Lee
The Gaurwaith - Peter Xavier Price
Mim the petty-dwarf - Anke Eissmann
Turin Turambar - Snake9008
Turin Saves the Woman - Denis Gordeev
Forweg's end - Anke Eissmann
Turin and Beleg - Anke Eissmann
The Petty-Dwarves - Alan Lee
Mim, Turin, & the Gaurwaith - Steamey
Amon Rudh - Kenneth Sofia
Turin & Mim - Denis Gordeev
Turin & Mim - Peter Xavier Price
Turin begs leave of Thingol & Melian - Anke Eissmann
Two Captains - Jenny Dolfen
The Helm and the Bow - Abe Papakhian
Turin - Kenneth Sofia
Amon Rudh - Isaac Luna
The Land of Bow & Helm - Alan Lee
Pippin and Merry Captured by Orcs - Inger Edelfeldt
Beleg and Turin - Charles Burggraf
He looked down on Beleg's face - Peter Xavier Price
Turin Kills Beleg - Ted Nasmith
Turin and Beleg - Steamey
Nargothrond - Jonathan Guzi
Turin and Finduilas - Denis Gordeev
Turin in Nargothrond - Klaus Wittmann
Turin in Nargothrond - Alan Lee
Nargothrond - Jesse Vandijk
The Orc Hose is Ambushed in Brethil - Ted Nasmith
The Reforging of Anglachel - Alan Lee
The Mormegil - Peter Xavier Price
Turin Bears Gwindor to Safety - Ted Nasmith
Gwindor's Death - Peter Xavier Price
Sack of Nargothrond - Donato Giancola
Turin Frozen - Denis Gordeev
Turin Confronts Glaurung - Turner Mohan
Turin & Glaurung - Helge C Balzer
Tuor & Voronwe See Turin at the Pool of Ivrin - Ted Nasmith
Turin Reaches the Abandoned Homestead - Ted Nasmith
Turin attacks Brodda - Denis Gordeev
Mountains of Mithrim - Peter Xavier Price
Turin - Jan Pospisil
Finduilas' Death - Ebe Kastein
La Maldicion de Turin Turambar - BrokenMachine86
Ephel Brandir - Alan Lee
Turambar - Peter Xavier Price
Turin & warriors - Denis Gordeev
Turin & Nienor - Giuliano G Alves
Turin finds Niniel - Denis Gordeev
Nineor Niniel - Simona Brunilde Jero
The Dragon-helm of Dor-lomin - Joona Kujanen
Nienor Niniel - Thomas Allen Sievert
The Dragon-helm - Klaus Wittmann
Glaurung - Amisgaudi Art
Turin before Glaurung - Peter Xavier Price
Turin Bemused by the Eyes of Glaurung - Alan Lee
The Slaying of Glaurung - Darrell Sweet
Master of Doom - Catherine Chmiel
Nienor in Brethil - Alan Lee
Glaurung's Gaze - Ebe Kastein
Nienor Finds Turin - Kenneth Sofia
Nienor finds Turin - Denis Gordeev
Nienor & Glaurung - Anke Eissmann
Journey of Morwen & Nienor - Alan Lee
Nienor discovers Turin - Alarie
The last moments of Nienor - Steamey
Death of Glaurung - Alan Lee
Woodmen of Brethil - Alan Lee
Hunting Party - Anke Eissmann
Turin and Gurthang - Klaus Wittmann
Turin's Death - Denis Gordeev
The Death of Turin - Alan Lee
Men Find Turin - Denis Gordeev
Hurin Finds Morwen - Ted Nasmith
Death of Morwen - Alan Lee
Tol Morwen - Stefan Meisl
Turin vs Morgoth - Jan Drenovec
Tulkas vs Morgoth - Antonio Vinci
Turin Turambar - Alan Lee
Elrond and Estel - Kuliszu
#tolkien #childrenofhurin #silmarillion