Every Daedric Prince has a plane, but what are they? And how does one navigate the Waters of Oblivion? From Apocrypha to the Shivering Isles, we'll leave no stone unturned...
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0:00 - Intro
2:30 - What is a Plane of Oblivion?
5:40 - Is Tamriel Daedric?
10:27 - Space Travel in the Elder Scrolls?
12:30 - Magic is Fading
15:17 - The Rules of Daedric Realms
18:11 - Meridia
21:38 - Boethiah
24:27 - Malacath
26:06 - Molag Bal, Azura, and Sheogorath
26:57 - The Shivering Isles
33:05 - The True Prince of the Isles?
37:02 - Sheogorath, Jyggalag, and the Champion of Cyrodiil