The Bliss and Nightmare of Kundalini Awakening pt.2
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Kundalini Awakening with Non Dual teacher and therapist Craig Holliday. Craig offers Skype sessions, retreats and workshops and meets with individuals from around the world who have a sincere desire to awaken out of the dream state and into this Beauty that we always already are. Craig began teaching after a series of profound awakenings with Adyashanti and Jon Bernie. for more info:
Craig offers some instructions on working with Kundalini energy, and blockages within the Chakras as well as the side effects of kundalini energy.
For more info visit craig's website or the kundalini forum on his website, email him a question and he will do his best to answer.
Symptoms: As always be wise see a doctor to see if your symptoms are related to a physical or mental health disorder first, before self diagnosis and creating more pain for oneself.
Symptoms: overwhelmed by energy, intense energy in the spine, pressure in back or chakra centers, massive pressure in head, heart belly. Feeling incredible bliss, happiness or joy, benevolent experiences, heavenly feelings or experiences, disorientation in the sense of self or identity, feeling as if the ground is falling out from under you, feelings of expansiveness, cosmic consciousness, transcendent consciousness.
Emotional symptoms: overwhelming anxiety (which is really energy simply wanting to move), depression (which is often unconscious resistance to the energy, or fear of this energy or confusion about this energy—remember this energy is Divine, but the ego often interprets it as a form of outside victimization), you may feel as if repressed emotions are releasing out of your chakra centers. This may come with tears, or laughter, or anger…often if you allow these emotions to move and release you will feel lighter and more spacious inside.
Neurological disorders (seizure like symptoms, temporarily losing ability to walk, talk, or uncontrollable hand movements/kriyas, spine arching or moving like a snake, loss of memory, dyslexia, intense pain in back, neck, head or spine. Ringing in the ear. Headaches, migraines.
Mental Disorders: (brain fog, trouble thinking, racing thoughts, uncontrollable thoughts, emotional disorders (uncontrollable anger, sadness or rage, irritability, agitation, bipolar tendencies, mental illness, intense confusion in the mind, psychotic or psychic experiences (don’t get lost in these or become attached to these).
As always be wise see a doctor to see if this is a physical or mental health disorder first, before self diagnosis and creating more pain for oneself.
Meet with a team: a competent teacher, healer, therapist, chiropractor, physician, and body worker. Do light gentle yoga, engage in healing on all levels of being, mental, emotional, physical, family of origin, inner child, shadow work, and spiritual integration. Remember every aspect of life is connected. Kundalini will not solve all of your problems, but rather will bring an awareness to you of where your energy is blocked and where you need to do your work. It may heal many things within you, but with many more aspects of your humanity will it ask you to come forward and actively join in the healing process.
Feel free to contact me at to schedule a session for individualized support. Also view the forum page where I post responses to student questions.