The BEST Professional 35mm Film SLR Ever: The Nikon F6 Review
The Nikon F6 is a SUPERB film camera which (along with the F5) was the BLUEPRINT for the modern Nikon DSLR's. It Bridged the gap between Nikon's film and digital cameras. Nikon went to great lengths to make this the smoothest, quietest and most refined film camera they've ever produced and they were absolutely successful in that endeavor. The Nikon F6 is the smoothest, quietest and most well-optioned film SLR ever made! It was by far a much more smooth and refined camera than any [digital] DSLR camera that Nikon produced during that time. The viewfinder is LARGER than the D810/D850 (not by much) and it goes about all its functions without any problems. WIN!
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