This really blew me away. I can say I have seen quite some converted buses, but this one most definitely tops them all. In May 2023 we visited the annual bus meeting in Nienburg, Germany, and came across the bus of Jürgen and Silke. Jürgen worked for one year full time on this bus, made all of it by himself. With this bus, Jürgen created a league of his own, far, far above the rest, including me... I hope you liked to see the bus conversion, the RV, or call it a tiny house of Jürgen.
If you want to see the video I made about the bus meeting in Nienburg, go and see this video: , you can also see the interior of three more buses in that video.
(I disabled those annoying mid-roll ads for this video - you can thank me for that.. I can't disable the non-skippable video ads anymore, otherwise I would have done so, as I have in most of my previous videos. :-)
00:00 -
00:25 Intro
00:25 -
01:33 Living room
01:33 -
01:57 Kitchen
01:57 -
03:58 Bathroom and bedroom
03:58 -
06:42 Terrace
06:42 -
13:35 Technics at the bottom
13:35 -
13:58 More about the bus
13:58 -
14:09 Outro
Hypnothis by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.
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This video was edited with DaVinci Resolve