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In this post I'm discussing one of the simplest and easiest ways to get into better shape: skipping AKA jump rope.
This isn't something I'm particularly good at, btw! But I've recently started skipping more and I've been loving it.
See, skipping is one of the most convenient and efficient ways to burn calories, get the blood pumping, and boost your energy. You can do little ten minute stints of skipping wherever you are and that's going to add up, fast!
But the great thing is that skipping does much more than just burning calories.
Skipping can also: improve your sense of rhythm and timing, increase your ankle stiffness, train the brain, keep you lighter on your feet, and increase bone density. What really makes this so valuable, is that this is a way to get some *jumping* into your routine.
Jumping is what I would consider a "fundamental human movement." We don't have much reason to jump outside of sports, anymore, so why not get yourself a jump rope?
What do you guys think? Do you skip?
And just how bad is my skipping??