Enjoy this viral principle from my https://budgetbootcamp.com/ program!
Have you ever considered the fact that having only 1 savings account and 1 checking account is actually COSTING you more money and hassle? The more you have, the more you save! This method has not only been proven by us, but by thousands of Freebs who have used my principle over the years and have gotten out of debt, and gotten a way better handle on their finances!
Get even more details on this principle and Q&A at: http://bit.ly/1h9I8fw Use the code "SECRET" for 15% off your order if you are seeing this after the sale ends! This is good for both programs:
https://budgetbootcamp.com/ and https://productivitybootcamp.com/
♡ Don't forget to subscribe! LIVE video every Tuesday, new upload every Thursday!
♡ About me:
I'm a blogger at http://funcheaporfree.com/. My husband Bubba and I have (soon to be) 6 kids in 8 years and live in Utah. I'm all about family, budgeting, frugal living, productivity and organization, and fun! You might have seen me on TLC, The Today Show, Rachael Ray, Good Morning America, Inside Edition, and more. I have two programs, a super fun budgeting program called Budget Boot Camp (http://bit.ly/1PWZZXb) and my brand new program, Productivity Boot Camp (http://bit.ly/2ILSGTn)!!
What would you like me to do a video on next? Leave a comment in my video and let me know!
Here is an E A S T E R C O D E: PLASTIC EGGS
♡ Blog: www.FunCheapOrFree.com http://funcheaporfree.com/
♡ My budgeting program: http://budgetbootcamp.com/ USE THE CODE YOUTUBE TO GET 10% OFF!
♡ My productivity program: http://bit.ly/2ILSGTn
♡ Instagram: FunCheapOrFree https://www.instagram.com/funcheaporfree/
♡ Facebook: FunCheapOrFree https://www.facebook.com/funcheaporfree
♡ Twitter: FunCheapOrFree https://twitter.com/funcheaporfree
♡ For house details go to: http://funcheaporfree.com/thepageproject/
#JordanPage #BudgetingTips #EasyBudgeting
♡ Email
[email protected] for any inquiries.
♡ Want to send me something? Send to:
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