The 110 techniques of communication and public speaking | David JP Phillips | TEDxZagreb

The 110 techniques of communication and public speaking | David JP Phillips | TEDxZagreb

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The 110 techniques of communication and public speaking | David JP Phillips | TEDxZagreb
David JP Phillips has spent 7 years studying 5000 speakers, amateurs and professionals in order for the first time in history to detail every single skill a communicator from stage or in a presentation uses in order to deliver their message. This TEDx talk gives you the very most important ones to bring with you to your next presentation or even everyday communication! Jedan od glavnih razloga ljudskog razvoja je komunikacija, kako verbalna tako i pisana. No, da bi komunikacija bila učinkovita potrebne su nam i prezentacijske vještine. Davidova misija je pokazati ljudima što čini najbolje govornike, na koji način uvlače publiku u svoj svijet te kako svatko može razviti tu vještinu. Njegovi TEDx govori “How to avoid death by PowerPoint” i “The magical science of storytelling” imaju preko 2 milijuna pregleda, knjige su mu prodane u preko 30 zemalja, a njegova kompanija je najveći pružatelj edukacija za prezentacijske vještine na Skandinavskom poluotoku. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at