I recorded 500+ clips and shot tons of retakes to try and make sure everything is visually clear and intuitive.
If it helped you at all, please let me know! 🙏🏼
Catch me LIVE: http://twitch.tv/phidx
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0:00 - Intro
0:24 - Buttons & Notation
1:40 - Basic Movement
2:37 - Attack and Defense
4:09 - Unique Move Properties
5:58 - Throws
8:40 - Universal States
11:23 - How To Get Up
14:18 - Stances
15:16 - Recoverable Health
15:55 - Heat System
18:29 - Better Movement
20:16 - Frame Data & Punishment
23:28 - Frame Advantage
24:47 - Strings and Combos
27:12 - Wall System
28:39 - What's Next?
Intro/Outro by SKONK - https://www.youtube.com/@bigskonk
Intro/Outro track by KEIFERGR33N - https://www.youtube.com/@KEIFERGR33N
Edited by: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN-9GGuta0OIiBDE3m-rpgg
I'm PhiDX, I play Tekken professionally for @ParagonFGC and ArcadeShock.