"The Capitalocene - Geological Age of Money" by Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch. In this exciting lecture Harald Lesch analyses and shows how capital determines our age and what consequences it has for us, our environment and our future.
The lecture was held on 2.12.2018 in the Audimax of the TU Ilmenau and organized by the VDI Studenten und Jungingenieure Ilmenau together with the Studierendenrat der TU Ilmenau.
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Mediathek: femci.fem-net.de
Presentation: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1nmbuwhv5opdhx9/AADPV6N1RfSl0JcNCE-Ne40ma?dl=0
VDI Studenten und Jungingenieure Ilmenau
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vdi.suj.ilmenau/
Studierendenrat der TU Ilmenau
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StuRa.Ilmenau/
Homepage: https://stura.tu-ilmenau.de/