Star Wars the Old Republic has a plethora of unique and original color crystals to choose from to further customize your light saber or energy weapon. The purple color crystal can be found via operation drops or crafted by an Artifice. You can also purchase this crystal on the GTN.
Advanced Purple Color Crystal
Graphics Settings:
Bloom - Enabled
Enhanced Shadows - Enabled
Conversation Depth of Field - Enabled
Texture Quality - High
Shader Complexity - High
Anti Aliasing - Very High
Character Level of Detail - High
Texture Anisotropy - High
Character Texture Aliasing - High
Visible Character Limit - Very High
Shadow Quality - High
Shadow Map Cascades - Medium
Grass Render Distance - Very High
Shadow Map Resolution - 1024 (Low)
Tree Quality - 100 (Max)
Grass Quality - 100 (Max)
Played on an Alienware 51m
Intel 9700k
Nvidia RTX 2070
16gb ram
#swtor #mmoexpansion #lightsaber