■ INDIA, VARANASI: Have you ever found yourself in an amazing artisanal or fake goods market in exotic foreign lands... only to have your shopping experience constantly interrupted or maybe even ruined by people who do not even own shops in the market....
...but for some reason think that they should decide where you should go and what you should buy?
On top of that they may even ruin your interactions with shopkeepers you wish to buy goods from and greatly inflate the price of the goods you do buy because shops think that this tout is your guide and he is showing you around. In other words this is an obvious market scam.
India is notorious for this marketplace practice and this Varanasi main market was no exception in this regards. Getting rid of touts can be incredibly hard. I for one do not like to get angry, yell at people or tell someone to get the F away from me as that ruins the mood of not just that market area for me but the rest of the day as well.
So a simple no and leave me alone is about all I will say at least when I am filming a video in one take. That rarely works though... and it didn't here (as you're about to see) either.
In this Varanasi market one guy in particular simply would not take no for an answer and he kept stalking me for a good hour until...
Well ... go see for yourself 🤣
■ The Varanasi Experience 🇮🇳
■ Cycling Chennai: The Iron Horse Acquisition 🇮🇳
■ Chennai's Most Challenging Market 🇮🇳