

50.215 Lượt nghe
漠河市位于黑龙江大兴安岭腹地,是中国最北的城市,与俄罗斯接壤,这里最冷能达到零下53摄氏度,为中国最冷的地区之一,冬天室外温度,比冰箱还冷。漠河市地广人稀,面积有18000多平方公里,约半个台湾岛大,但只住了几万人。对于我这个南方人而言,这里的一切新鲜陌生,有难得一见的人文风情和生活方式。接下来,欢迎跟着阿树走进这座城市,开启新一集的旅行。 Mohe City is located in the heart of the Greater Khingan Mountains in Heilongjiang and is the northernmost city in China, bordering Russia. Temperatures here can drop as low as -53°C, making it one of the coldest places in China. In winter, the outdoor temperature is even colder than a refrigerator.With a vast land and sparse population, Mohe covers an area of over 18,000 square kilometers—about half the size of Taiwan—but is home to only a few tens of thousands of people. As someone from southern China, everything here feels fresh and unfamiliar to me, from its unique cultural customs to its rare way of life.Now, join Atlas, as we explore this extraordinary city and embark on a new travel adventure! 【阿樹闖東北】第一季 【阿樹走進100個鄉村】 【雲南篇合集】 【四川篇合集】 【新疆篇合集】 【湖南篇合集】 【貴州篇合集】 歡迎加入我的會員,解鎖更多阿樹的旅行筆記、圖片、花絮等 #Chinatravel #China #Travel #Documentary #Chinese #中國 #旅遊 #鄉村 #漠河 #黑龍江 #中俄边境 #漠河市 #大興安嶺 #history #border