Super Tune! The Lie-Nielsen No 4 - Part 2
Here’s part 2 of my video series on Super Tuning a hand plane, using as an example my Lie-Nielsen No 4 Smoothing Plane.
The techniques shown here are simply one way of doing this task; it’s good to explore other ways. If you’ve got any ideas to share, please feel free to comment!
I can’t believe it’s seven months since Part 1! Just shows how life gets in the way sometimes. I started making this episode in the latter half of December, so even this one is two months in the making. However, the bulk of the work was done from mid January, after I had a word with myself and got serious about being a YouTube creator! I’m astounded by how much time it takes.
More on the video making process - if you’re interested - at the end of Part 3! As I said in my introduction, that’s already made, so watch out for that in a couple of days…
Loving getting comments, so let rip!