Hi there!
Join me and my cat Poushkin for a 45-minute co-working / co-studying session on a cozy snowy day in Montréal. The video has a countdown timer and gong sounds at the beginning and the end; and is accompanied by a slow ambient track. Inspired by Lo-Fi Girl ^^
The music for this video is exclusively performed and recorded live by my partner in crime and damn talented guy – klātu 🙏🧡
Check out klātu's other music (mostly sparkly, trippy, and healing beats) and support his work here - https://klatu.bandcamp.com/ and here - https://soundcloud.com/klatu/tracks
Though slow videos are not my channel focus, I occasionally make them. Feel free to save this playlist for future uploads of human-crafted content:
Wish you to get into the zone!
Janna Slow
00:00:16 - Pomodoro Starts
00:16:18 - 1,5 min break