STOP LOSING Money When You MISS The Flop in Poker!
You miss more flops in poker than you hit. Here are 5 of my top tips for how how to proceed when you miss the flop!
Knowing how to proceed when you miss the flop is extremely important - playing perfect GTO ranges preflop will do nothing for you if you don't understand how to execute sound strategies postflop! This video will teach you all the tricks you need to crush your opponents when you miss the flop as the preflop aggressor!
Remember that you strategy needs to change depending on if you are In Position (act AFTER your opponents) or Out Of Position (act BEFORE your opponents), as different ranges will be at play & will connect with different boards, even when your exact hole cards miss the flop.
It is also important to consider the effective stack depth, and your opponent's tendencies, to ensure you are maximally exploiting your opponents. Many players will consider themselves "pot committed" when the effective stack is short in relation to the pot, many other players will consider their implied odds "too good" when extremely deep-stacked. Understanding these tendencies will help you find the right option when you miss the flop and need to decide whether to bluff, and what size to bluff!
Hack For Missing The Flop 1 - Who has the Range & Nut Advantage?
Hack For Missing The Flop 2 - Are you In Position, or Out Of Position?
Hack For Missing The Flop 3 - What is the Effective Stack Depth?
Hack For Missing The Flop 4 - What are your Opponent's Tendencies?
Hack For Missing The Flop 5 - How Many Players are in the Pot?
Take this lesson to the next level with PEAKGTO!
#jonathanlittle #pokercoaching #pokerstrategy