Well, this is the offering, from us at Stay_K, to the skate gods and the CY skateboard scene for this holiday season. It's no product promotion or a new marketing campaign. Just pure fire, hype for the sessions to come. All these clips are a build-up for our upcoming big video project. For sure, we don't like to call them throwaways and as you can see they were worthy of a nice montage to kick off this new year in the modern man-made calendar.
We leave you with these words and a hope to inspire someone: Celebrate each moment of skateboarding, whether you're on the board, behind the lens or just being out there supporting mentally a friend who's trying a trick. As for the slams, which mostly are inevitable, it's how you react to them. Treat yourself. Stay focused. Embrace the situation as a lesson to get stronger. Life goes on and we're all about the ride.
#Stay_K #Skateboard & #Streetwear
Directed, filmed & edited by Christos Yiannaki
Featuring: Tony Tzo Josephides, Tasos Panayi, Christos Yiannaki, Timmy Michaelides, Charis Ioannou, George Christofi and guest appearance by Nikolas Nipa Ioannou
Additional filming by Timmy Michaelides, Tony Tzo, Alberto Della Beffa, Marios Michaelides, Tasos Panayi, Antonis Polykandriotis, Manos Kiriakousis, Tom Havle
Special thanks to mr. Christos and the Ornamental Fish Imports CY