Solomun playing an exclusive DJ set at Château de Chambord (France) for Cercle.
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47°37'05.1"N 1°30'52.8"E
Video credits:
Artist: Solomun
Venue: Château de Chambord
Produced by Cercle
Exec production: Anaïs de Framond, Dan Aufseesser
Technical coordinator: Hocine Gherbi, Yanek Karpinski, Arnaud, Antoine
Programmation: Philippe Tuchmann
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Directors of photography: Mickael Fidjili & Mathieu Glissant & Jérémie Tridard
Sound engineers: Charles Dumaire & Timothée Renard
Sound mastering: Michel Avannier
Light engineers: Pierre-Jean Lorteau (conception), Romuald Michou (operator), Damien Fleury (operator), Elie Sc Druez (operator)
Festival scenography & art direction: Derek Barbolla
Decoration: Luc Beauquesne
Fiber network: Hugo Feret
Stage manager: Vincent Veheme
Technical manager: Fabrice Marchand
Drone: Alexis Olas, Pierre Andre
Crane: Eric Macel & Gaël Giraud
Communication: Pol Souchier, Lola Lebrati
Video post-production: Aurélien Moisan
Special thanks to the Castle of Chambord for their trust: Jean d’Haussonville, Cécilie de Saint Venant and Frédéric Villerot.
Also to Galerie Joseph.
00:00 Sasha Carassi - Vega
02:03 Maxim Lany ft. Jacky E Jones - People Of The Night
07:13 Tom Zeta - Hong Kong Harbour
14:24 Eitan Reiter - ID
20:20 Tomy Wahl - Matka
25:30 Red Axes ft. Minh Duong - Phu Quok
30:06 Mario Mocca & Mack Jack - Saving Elephants
35:19 Dualton - Formula (Sean Miller Remix)
41:25 Whitesquare - Moving Up
45:16 Blacktik - Ravetik
50:43 Elisa Bee - Mind Game
55:30 Michael E - Race
1:00:53 Romina Cohn - I Want To Be The Residents
1:04:52 Marie Davidson - Work It (Soulwax Remix)
1:09:37 Solomun ft. Anne Clark - Take Control
1:18:09 RDNK - No Number Yet
1:23:47 Futuristant - The Future Dance (Rigopolar Remix)
1:29:14 Adana Twins ft. Glowal - My Computer
1:37:45 Juan Elvadin - ID
1:43:14 Adriatique - Nude (Solomun Remix)
1:50:40 GHEIST - Arrival
1:55:44 Solomun - The Center Will Not Hold
This artistic performance has been recorded live.
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