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Ásta, Categories We Live By
Ásta, “Précis: Categories We Live By,” in Journal of Social Ontology
Katie J.M. Baker, “The Road to TERFdom,” in Lux
Simone De Beauvoir, Le Deuxième Sexe
Talia Mae Bettcher, “Trapped in the Wrong Theory,” in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
Richard Boyd, “Homeostasis, Species and Higher Taxa,” in Species
Judith Butler, Gender Trouble
Kevin Duong, “Gender Trouble in France: An Interview with Camille Robcis, “ in Jacobin
Lori Gershick, “Out of Compliance: Masculine-Identified People in Women’s Prisons,” in Captive Genders
Jules Joanne Gleeson, “How Do Gender Transitions Happen?” in Transgender Marxism
Aaron Griffith, “Individualistic and Structural Explanations in Ásta’s Categories We Live By,” in Journal of Social Ontology
Sally Haslanger, “But Mom, You’re Wrong. Crop-Tops Are Cute!” in Resisting Reality
Sally Haslanger, “What is a (Social) Structural Explanation?” in Philosophical Studies
Katharine Jenkins, “Conferralism and Intersectionality: A Response to Ásta’s Categories We Live By,” in Journal of Social Ontology
Rosa Lee, “Judith Butler’s Scientific Revolution,” in Transgender Marxism
Ron Mallon, The Construction of Human Kinds
Plutarch, Theseus
Amie Thomasson, “Foundations for a Social Ontology,” in ProtoSociology
Special Thanks to Edd China and the Workshop Diaries Team! https://www.youtube.com/user/TheEddChina
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