Sniper Elite 5 (2022) Review - Over One Year Later | "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed."
A retrospective review and analysis of Sniper Elite 5 developed by Rebellion that serves as an eye-opener to the shortcomings that plague this latest installment in the franchise. While the game attempts to immerse players, it often falls short. This review aims to dissect not just the surface-level issues, but also the deeper flaws that impact its overall appeal. Whether it's the regression of mechanics, a storyline that feels disconnected, or multiplayer modes that add little to the overall experience, this retrospective is a critical examination of how Sniper Elite 5 fails to hit the high marks set by its predecessors.
-Theme music by jiglr:-
Cyberpunk by jiglr |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
-"Retro TV" Photo by Diego González on Unsplash-
-Font used is Lemon Milk by MARSNEV-
- Stock video and photos -
-- All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I nor this channel does not claim any right over them. --
#sniperelite5 #rebellion #retrospective #analognightmare #critique #analysis #review #retrospective