Snezka (1.603m) - top of Czech Republic in winter

Snezka (1.603m) - top of Czech Republic in winter

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Snezka (1.603m) - top of Czech Republic in winter
Snezka (Sněžka) is a mountain on the border between the Czech Republic and Poland, the most prominent point of the Silesian Ridge in the Giant Mountains. At 1,603 metres its summit is the highest point in the Czech Republic. There are multiple routes to Snezka. All of them are well marked and aren’t technically demanding. You’ll find the difference in distance and elevation meters. I climbed to the top from Pec pod Snezku. This is the most popular start of hikes to Snezka from Czech Republic. There are two trails going up from Pec pod Snezku. Both trails start from the bottom station of the cable car that goes to the very top. The blue trail takes you through Obri dul valley, passing by the Slaski Dom mountain hut. From there, it ascends steeply to the summit of Snezka. The other trail, which I used for the climb to the top and for the descent, is a green trail to Ruzohorky hut and from there the yellow trail to the top. From the bottom station of the cable car the trail I used to the summit and back is a total length of 11,8 kilometers with a height difference of 770 meters per track. It should be noted that most of the trail was icy, so for climbing Snezka in winter I recommend that you have Micro Crampons. It should also be noted that both trails which start from Pec pod Snezku have similar difficulty level and can be well combined on the way up and down to have different views. You can find information about Snezka at this link: Snežka (Sněžka) je planina na granici između Češke i Poljske, najistaknutija točka Šleskog grebena u Krkonošima. Sa 1603 metra njezin vrh je najviša točka u Češkoj. Postoji više ruta do Snežke. Sve su dobro označene i tehnički nisu zahtjevne. Razlika postoji u udaljenosti i nadmorskoj visini. Na vrh sam se popeo iz Pec pod Snežkom. Ovo je najpopularniji početak planinarenja do Snežke iz Češke. Od Pec pod Snežkom vode dvije staze. Obje staze kreću od donje stanice žičare koja vodi do samog vrha. Plava staza vodi kroz dolinu Obri dul, prolazi pored planinarskog doma Slaški dom. Odatle se strmo uspinje do vrha Snežke. Druga staza, kojom sam se ja penjao na vrh i spuštao dolje, je zelena staza do planinarskog doma Ruzohorky dom i odatle je žuta staza do vrha. Od donje stanice žičare staza kojom sam ja išao do vrha i natrag je ukupne dužine 11,8 kilometara sa visinskom razlikom od 770 metara po stazi. Treba napomenuti da je veći dio staze bio zaleđen, pa za uspon na Snežku zimi preporučam imati mini dereze. Također treba napomenuti da su obje staze koje polaze iz Pec pod Snežkom slične težine i mogu se dobro kombinirati na putu gore i dolje kako bi imali različite poglede. Informacije o Snezki možete pronaći na ovome linku: