How to make complex, 3D microfluidic devices in a easy way?
How to incorporate external components in the microfluidic device?
That's pretty easy: ESCARGOT (Embedded SCAffold RemovinG Open Technology)
(open access)
In this video I showcase our research on how to make PDMS microfluidics devices using a standard 3D printer, ABS, and Acetone. Those devices can be used for lab on a chip, as analytical devices or practically for any other microfluidics research.
Using this method is also possible to embed external components directly in the microfluidics device. For example LED, heating coils (for PCR), even whole arduino for color sensors. It is also possible to make a "ship-in-a-bottle" kind of devices.
Looking for syringe pumps for your microfluidic device? We used a 3D printer for making them:
00:00 How to make it
00:59 Microfluidics coils
02:02 Multiple channels
02:50 Complex shapes
04:07 Embedded UV LED
04:23 Ship-in-a-bottle
04:37 Heating coils
05:18 Arduino embedded in a microfluidic device
Music: Dvorak, Serenade for Strings, Op.22, II. (Groberg)
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0,_Op.22_(Dvořák,_Anton%C3%ADn)