Shoulder Clinical Examination - Medical School Clinical Skills - Dr Gill
Personally, I find the shoulder examination the most complex examination possibly as there are so many variations and special tests. Some of which overlap and some will relate specifically to a patients presentation.
Often in a medical school syllabus, only select special tests will be used. In this shoulder exam demonstration, we include the Hawkins-Kennedy Test looking for impingement. This is dovetailed with examination for bicipital tendonitis as this is another possible cause of impingement type symptoms.
This shoulder upper limb exam follows the standard "Look, Feel, Move" orthopaedic exam approach, and overall order as set out in MacLeods Clinical Examination
Watch further orthopaedic examinations for your OSCE revision:
The Spine Examination:
Knee Examination
Hip Joint Clinical Examination
Please note that there is no ABSOLUTE way to perform a clinical examination. Different institutions and even clinicians will have differing degrees of variations - the aim is the effectively identify medically relevant signs.
However during OSCE assessments. Different medical schools, nursing colleges, and other health professional courses will have their own preferred approach to a clinical assessment - you should concentrate on THEIR marks schemes for your assessments.
The examination demonstrated here is derived from Macleods Clinical Examination - a recognized standard textbook for clinical skills.
#ShoulderExamination #ClinicalSkills #DrGill
You can now consult via video or in person with Dr Gill at Dr Finlay’s Private Practice -
00:00 - Introduction and Patient Verification
00:17 - Overview of Shoulder Examination Procedure
00:37 - Examination of Shoulder Symmetry and Surface
01:02 - Resistance Testing Against the Wall
01:14 - Palpation of Collarbone, Shoulder, and Arm
02:33 - Range of Motion Assessment
03:28 - External Rotation and Reach Tests
04:02 - Resistance Movements and Strength Testing
05:08 - Shoulder Tests for Discomfort or Weakness
05:44 - Conclusion of Examination