Should You Tell Your Crush You Like Them (ODDLY SPECIFIC)
this is the CONCLUSIVE guide to literally every scenario under the sun about whether you should tell your crush you like them. u might think ur very specific scenario isnt on here but it probably is because my flowchart is so oddly specific that its actually almost impossible to follow
also re: the cady's law part of the video i showed my friend who does a masters degree in math and he thinks the math is not adding up and i was like damn u were not meant to tell me the math isnt adding up what u were meant to do is confirmation bias agree with me that it totally works because the video was already filmed and edited at that point there is no way i am changing this even if the math doesnt make sense so if you tell me in the comments the math doesnt make sense i am going to refer you to this
also i am currently absolutely coughing my lungs out being sick so isejeffkjnsfnjdsjkdkvdsn woohoo
Edited by Elowen:
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0:00 Start here
0:43 You met through friends
9:11 You met at school
10:54 You met at work
13:23 You met at a third space
14:14 You met them online
15:41 Your crush is seeing someone