If you are considering applying for Officer Training School (OTS), this video will review things you should consider before applying. This video is part of my Air Force Commissioning Series meant to help those who are interested in pursuing a career in the military as a USAF officer.
0:00 - Start
0:23 - Before You Apply
0:48 - The Basic Requirements
1:20 - What to Expect
3:08 - Tips to Help Decide
4:04 - Things to Consider
12:36 - Making The Decision
Sources for This Video:
Air Force Official Regulations/Resources:
- AFMAN 36-2032: https://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/af_a1/publication/afman36-2032/afman36-2032.pdf
My Social Media:
My Air Force Blog - https://becominganairforceofficer.blo...
Homepage - https://eliasbarry.com
Discord - https://discord.com/channels/59147368...
Twitter - https://twitter.com/eliasfbarry/
Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/EliasBarry/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/eliasfbarry/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/EliasFBarry/
The views expressed in this video are my own and do not reflect the position or views of the DoD or Air Force. This video follows guidance published in AFI 1-1.