皇家師姐系列 香港動作電影|海狼 (Sea Wolves)|任達華|楊麗菁|周景揚|徐少強|粵語CC中字|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01
【粵語中字】海狼 (Sea Wolves : In the Line of Duty 7) | 任達華(Simon Yam、華哥)、周景揚(Garry Chow)、楊麗菁(Cynthia Khan、Madam楊)、徐少強(Norman Chui、大俠):沉默寡言的師兄阿明一向沉迷拳擊, 但他在一次胸有成竹的比賽中慘被擊倒後, 決心到泰國學藝, 當地嚴格的訓練不單改造拳手的體能, 更能昇拳手的尊嚴和擂台上無懼的精神. 阿德自少隨父學習國術, 但有感中國武術在擂台不能盡展所長, 故此便上拳館苦練泰拳, 企圖擴闊搏擊藝術的包容性和寬容度. 電影"拳王"就是通過這樣兩個青年人的成長歷程, 表楊初生之犢不畏苦和求真求知精神, 鼓勵了積極的人生態度.
Silent classmate Ming, an ambitious boxing addict, decides to learn boxing in Thailand after a technical knockdown in a contest which he was confident of winning. By witnessing the rigorous training on the spot, he not only develops the physique of a boxer but enhances the dignity and dauntless spirit of the boxer in a tournament.
Te is another young upcoming boxer. He learned Chinese martial arts from his father since childhood. Not wanting to be cooped up in the narrow confines of boxing only, he undergoes hard training in Thai boxing in a gym, hoping to widen the boxing horizon.
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皇家師姐系列 香港動作電影 | 海狼 (Sea Wolves) | 楊麗菁、周景揚、任達華、徐少強 | 粵語CC中字 | 8號電影院 HK Movie | 香港電影01
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