Rusty Antique C-3004 Heavy Duty Sealer Restoration
Rusty Antique C-3004 Heavy Duty Sealer Restoration
In today's video we have restored a rusty antique heavy duty Sealer. It was impossible to restore it because it was completely damaged due to rust. And it was such an antique vintage piece that it looked like something might be broken inside. I brought it with me for restoration And then start its restoration.
Initially, before doing its restoration, I removed all the rust from this rusty antique heavy duty sealer and also tried to remove some rust with the help of WD-40. Since the whole thing was totally messed up because of the color, I disabled it completely by doing a lot of warming up and separating all the things on it. Then I made four men put different things in different things to check the results of four things separately, like in one I put Coca-Cola, in the second I put vinegar, in the third I put citric acid and in the fourth I put electrolysis. And I left these four for four to five hours and then I checked their results. The best result was was of citric acid. Then I cleaned all the things with a white brush and after installation, reassembled and connected them. After restoration it was working great.
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