in this video I will make a dutch style aquascape using various types of plants, there are rotala, ludwigia, Hygrophila, etc.
Aquascape Dutchstyle is an Aquascape with lush, thick and dense plants, one of them is to use the Rotala plant.
Rotala plants can grow thick and fast. The color of the plant also varies, There's rotala red, rotala green, and rotala orange. The shape of the leaves also varies in shape, some are round, pointed, and also wavy.
Step by Step Tutorial
How to make Aquascape
Tank Size : W60cm x D30cm x H40cm
Use Liquid Fertilizer to Up Colour Plants
Plants List :
Rotala Vietnam
Rotala Macrandra Green
Rotala Walichi
Rotala Green
Rotala Orange Juice
Ludwigia Sp Red
Ludwigia Inclinata Green
Alternantera Reinicki
Hygrophila Red Difformis
Fish : Cardinal Tetra Fish
Lights 10-12 hours/day, sometimes 15 hours
Day 43 - The lights are off 24 hours, I'm out of town
#Dutchstyle #Aquascape #60cmaquascape