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This video covers the humble origins of the legion that will later be named "the most effective" by Emperor Nero. The 14th Legion will gain a series of titles along the way, and will soon become known as "Legio XIIII Martia Gemina Victrix"; Mars' victorious twinned 14th Legion. Mars, being the Roman God of war. The 14th Legion is also one of the longest surviving Legions of Rome, loyally serving the empire for over four hundred years.
Dio, Cassius. Roman History, Volume II, III, IV, V, VI.
Tacitus. The Madness of Nero.
Tacitus. Agricola.
Caesar, Julius. Bello Civili.
Caesar, Julius. Bello Gallico.
Dando-Collins, Stephen. Legions of Rome: The Definitive History of Every Imperial Roman Legion. New York, 2010.
Dando-Collins, Stephen. Nero's Killing Machine: The true story of Rome's Remarkable Fourteenth Legion. New York, 2004.
Media used in the video:
Total War: Rome II
Mods for ROME:
"Divide et Impera" (Part 1-4)
"Roman Legions for Divide et Impera"
Intro (
To trust a Gallic King? (
To trust Germanic raiders? (
The Civil War (
Glory awaits! (