Rob's stereo system tour video for music lovers and audiophiles alike.
Today's video is featuring Rob Chambon's stereo system for music lovers and audiophiles alike. My system is a combination of vintage components and new, cutting-edge technologies, built up over my 45 years of being a music lover, record & CD collector, and audiophile. I have had the Klyne SK 5A preamp and Thiel CS3 speakers since I purchased them in the mid 1980's. Both are still more than good enough and have sound quality that is highly competitive with many newer components and speakers. My latest purchases include the Shandling ET3 CD transport and LAIV Harmony DAC which have elevated the sound quality of playing CDs substantially.
#CDs, #music, #Audiophiles, #Sound quality, #Stereo System, #CD collecting, #Record collecting, #DACs, #CD transports, #Audiophile quality sound,