Riding Backgrounds - A Tragicomedy Cycling Documentary Film

Riding Backgrounds - A Tragicomedy Cycling Documentary Film

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Riding Backgrounds - A Tragicomedy Cycling Documentary Film
Before RIDING BACKGROUNDS Michael hasn't touched his road bike. He was working for Bora-Hansgrohe as a hospitality manager and from time to time he would ride mostly downhill on his #mtb bike. He wanted one last go at road cycling just to be sure it's definitely the end. He took along 3 friends that are very active, but never did any high intensity efforts for more than 2 days straight. This cycling movie is about what cycling really looks like if someone who is not fully committed into road cycling tackles more than 200k a day for 7 days straight, it's basically a tragicomedy #cycling #documentary #film It took sometime to figure out what to do with our cycling documentary - Riding Backgrounds. Covid was one of the main reason's the film never made more appearance's because we planned to tour around Slovakia and feature it in numerous cities... That never happened and now we were stuck with a full feature film about 4 idiots trying to make it around Slovakia on bikes in 7 days. Life went on and everyone had different stuff to do so we just never found the time to do anything with it, UNTILL NOW!!! We've decided to put it out into the world. Soon you will be able to watch the whole movie at OKӨEVERYWHERE YouTube channel for FREE! #cycling #documentary We hope you enjoy the film. Disclaimer: No money was made from the film so if you want to support us you can buy us a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/OEPROJEKT Many thanks to who co-supported the film: - @hilton - @isadoreapparel1145 - @specializedbicycles - @wahoofitness More about OE PROJEKT: Nový Merch - https://okoeverywhere.com/oko-shop/ ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Pre akékoľvek otázky alebo požiadavky týkajúce sa tohto videa, prosím, obráťte sa na [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chceš nás podporiť? Follow nám veľmi pomôže! • Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/okoeverywheremtb/ • Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/okoeverywhere/ • Stories! - https://okoeverywhere.com/mtb-stories/ -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stále sa snažíme zlepšovať, učiť sa a prenášame tak našu kreativitu do všetkého čo tvoríme. Pre lepšiu budúcnosť horskej cyklistiky na Slovensku. Pre mladé talenty. Pre jedinečné dizajnové kúsky na nosenie. Pre krajšiu vizuálnu komunikáciu. Pre náš dobrý pocit. Od nás pre vás. TEAM TRAILS BRAND #vsadesnami🔥 Chceme ukázať, že na Slovensku vieme robiť veci aj inak #novaera #okoeverywhere #brand #team #trails #slovakbrand