Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**
00:00 : intro
01:13 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:20 : parut labu siam (grating the chayote)
02:41 : tumis daun bawang (sautéing the green onions)
03:16 : membuat adonan (making the dough)
05:40 : bentuk dan kukus siomay (shaping and steaming the Shumai)
07:27 : membuat saus kacang (making the Peanut Sauce)
09:23 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)
#ResepSiomay #ResepSiomayAyam #ResepDevinaHermawan
Resep Siomay Ayam (28-30 pcs)
Bahan adonan:
500 gr ayam filet paha
90 gr labu siam (setelah diperas)
2 sdt garam
2 sdm gula pasir
2 sdt kaldu bubuk / msg
½ sdt merica
1 butir putih telur
2 sdm kecap ikan
1 sdm bawang putih halus
3 batang daun bawang
3 sdm minyak goreng
100-150 ml es batu / air es
220 gr tepung tapioka
40 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
Bahan saus kacang:
100 gr kacang tanah goreng
5 siung bawang putih
7 siung bawang merah
10 buah cabai merah keriting
3 butir kemiri
2 buah cabai rawit
80 ml minyak
80 gr gula merah
3 sdm air asam jawa
3 lembar daun jeruk
550 ml air
3 sdm saus sambal
1 sdm tepung beras
1 sdt garam
Jeruk limau
1. Parut halus labu siam kemudian peras
2. Iris halus daun bawang, panaskan minyak lalu tumis sesaat, sisihkan
3. Di dalam food processor, masukkan setengah paha ayam, bawang putih halus, garam, gula pasir, kaldu bubuk, dan merica hingga halus dan lengket
4. Masukkan sisa ayam, es batu, putih telur, dan kecap ikan, haluskan kembali kemudian pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk
5. Masukkan labu siam parut, daun bawang beserta minyak, tepung terigu, dan tepung tapioka, aduk rata
6. Oles kukusan dengan minyak, bentuk bulat adonan dengan sendok kemudian masukkan ke dalam kukusan
7. Rapikan siomay menggunakan garpu dari samping ke atas lalu kukus selama 20 menit
8. Untuk saus, potong bawang putih dan bawang merah, geprek kemiri, iris cabai rawit, dan cabai merah keriting
9. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, dan kemiri, masak sesaat lalu tambahkan cabai rawit dan cabai merah keriting
10. Pindahkan ke dalam blender, masukkan kacang dan sedikit air, blender hingga halus kemudian masak kembali
11. Masukkan daun jeruk dan gula merah, aduk rata kemudian tambahkan air, air asam jawa, saus sambal, dan garam, masak hingga mendidih
12. Larutkan tepung beras lalu masukkan ke dalam saus, aduk rata
13. Siomay ayam siap disajikan
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Chicken Shumai Recipe (yield 28-30 pcs)
Dough ingredients:
500 g chicken thigh fillet
90 g chayote (after squeezing the water out)
2 tsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
2 tsp stock powder / MSG
½ tsp pepper
1 pc egg white
2 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp minced garlic
3 pc green onion
3 tbsp oil
100-150 ml ice cube / cold water
220 g tapioca flour
40 g all-purpose flour
Peanut Sauce ingredients:
100 g fried peanut
5 clove garlic
7 pc shallot
10 pc curly red chili
3 pc candlenut
2 pc Thai chili
80 ml oil
80 g palm sugar
3 tbsp tamarind water
3 pc lime leaf
550 ml water
3 tbsp chili sauce
1 tbsp rice flour
1 tsp salt
Lime leaf
1. Grate the chayote finely and squeeze the water out.
2. Slice the green onions finely. Heat the oil and sauté for a moment. Set aside.
3. In a food processor, add half of the chicken thigh along with the minced garlic, salt, sugar, stock powder, and pepper. Blend until smooth and sticky.
4. Add the rest of the chicken in with ice cubes, egg white, and fish sauce. Blend again and transfer into a bowl.
5. Add the grated chayote, green onion and its oil, flour, and tapioca flour. Mix well.
6. Brush the steamer with oil. Shape the dough into balls with a spoon and place in the steamer.
7. Tidy up the shape with forks. Pull the sides upwards, then steam for 20 minutes.
8. For the Sauce, slice the garlic and shallots. Pound the candlenuts, slice the Thai chili and curly red chili.
9. Heat the oil. Sauté the shallots, garlic, and candlenuts. Cook for a moment, then add Thai chili and curly red chili.
10. Transfer into the blender. Add peanuts and some water, then blend until smooth. Return to the pan and cook.
11. Add lime leaf and palm sugar. Stir, then add water, tamarind water, chili sauce, and salt. Bring to a boil.
12. Dilute the rice water and add it into the sauce. Mix well.
13. Chicken Shumai is ready to serve.
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