匈牙利布達佩斯藝術皇宮盛演華彥鈞(阿炳)的《二泉映月》Reflection of the Moon on the Water by Hua Yanjun

匈牙利布達佩斯藝術皇宮盛演華彥鈞(阿炳)的《二泉映月》Reflection of the Moon on the Water by Hua Yanjun

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匈牙利布達佩斯藝術皇宮盛演華彥鈞(阿炳)的《二泉映月》Reflection of the Moon on the Water by Hua Yanjun
根據著名民間音樂家華彥鈞的二胡曲改編,旋律優美,情感深沉蒼涼。在陣陣心潮起伏之後,音樂趨於靜謐,隨著月與雲的追逐,對未來包含憧憬之情。1962 年由李煥之改編為民族弦樂合奏曲的《二泉映月》,無論是在音域的擴展、音色的豐富,以及多聲部的織體上,都更為充分地呈示此樂曲的情緒。 《二泉映月》是傑出民間音樂家華彥鈞(阿炳)的代表作。阿炳 35 歲時(1928 年)雙目失明,淪落為街頭賣藝為生的民間藝人,受盡欺凌,飽嚐苦難社會的艱辛。《二泉映月》是阿炳心靈的寫照,阿炳稱它為《依心曲》。1950 年夏天,著名音樂理論家楊蔭瀏、曹安和為阿炳演奏錄音之後,楊提議以無錫惠泉山腳下的名勝古蹟「二泉」為曲名,經磋商並徵得阿炳同意定名為《二泉映月》。 This is the most representative work of the outstanding folk musician Hua Yanjun (A Bing). A Bing lost his eyesight when he was thirty-five (in 1928) and was eventually reduced to becoming a street musician. He experienced great injustice and all the hardship in low life and was much bullied. Reflection of the Moon on the Water is a picture of A Bing’s mind, and the composer calls it ‘The Tune of the Heart’. In the summer of 1950, Yang Yinliu and Cao Anhe, two famous musicologists, recorded A Bing’s performance of the work. They suggested that the piece be named after the ancient springs at the bottom of Huiquan Mountain in Wuxi. A Bing agreed and the work has since been known as Reflection of the Moon on the Water. 歐洲巡演暨2020年第二十三屆中國春節民族音樂會 The 2020 Grand Chinese New Year Concert 3/2/2020(一 Mon) 晚上7:30pm 匈牙利布達佩斯藝術皇宮 Müpa Budapest, Budapest, Hungary 指揮:閻惠昌 Conductor : Yan Huichang 胡琴合奏 《二泉映月》 華彥鈞曲 李煥之編曲 Huqin Ensemble Reflection of the Moon on the Water Hua Yanjun Arr. by Lee Huanzhi