Ranking the BEST and WORST Support Weapons vs The Illuminate in Helldivers 2
With the arrival of the Illuminate in Helldivers 2, there are a lot of new enemies to contend with. And that means we need to figure out which are the best and worst support weapon stratagems to face these squids.
0:00 Intro
0:35 Machine Gun
2:16 AMR
3:10 Stalwart
4:16 EAT
5:33 Recoilless Rifle
7:55 Flamethrower
8:59 Autocannon
10:07 Heavy Machine Gun
11:29 Airpoop
13:43 Commando
15:10 Railgun
16:31 Spear
17:35 W.A.S.P.
20:22 Grenade Launcher
21:44 Laser Cannon
22:40 Arc Thrower
23:49 Qasar Cannon
25:00 Sterlizer
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