Randy Rhoads Diminished Secrets
Hey everyone! Here's the next episode of Brewster's Millions Of Rants with Randy Rhoads Diminished Secrets. As I admitted in the video, I've had a TON of requests for Randy Rhoads piling up lately, and I figured this lesson would be a good one to address some of those requests that have poured in - so let's dive in!
This lesson revolves around something very specific hiding in Randy's legendary playing style, and that's the use of diminished tonalities in his music. I went the extra mile for this lesson and actually pulled out the transcription books for Blizzard Of Ozz, Diary Of A Madman, and Tribute. Within the books, I scoured around looking for any licks, fills, or solos where Randy noticibly dove into diminished flavors and sounds.
The ideas shared in this lesson include a brief breakdown of the three different types of diminished tonalities heard/found in music, a two-part analysis of some diminished seventh arpeggio runs found in Randy's live 'Tribute' guitar solo, a variation of these ideas as heard in the solo from 'Steal Away (The Night),' and much more!
Needless to say, if you're a Randy Rhoads fan, a LNL viewer that's been patiently waiting for more Rhoads action on the channel, a player wanting to explore diminished chords/arpeggios in music, or maybe you're just curious what all the fuss is about - this lesson is totally for you! Give this episode a view, leave some comments/feedback, and please subscribe to Late Night Lessons - THANK YOU!
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