Quantum Mechanics Isn't Weird, We're Just Too Big - Phillip Ball Lecture
Quantum computers rely on concepts such as superposition and entanglement that defy our intuitions about how things can behave.
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It’s often said that the world is quantum-mechanical and weird at small scales, and classical and familiar at human scales. I will challenge that idea, arguing that the classical world isn’t distinct from the quantum but emerges from it. While we don’t yet have a full understanding of how that happens, the outlines are becoming clear - and in one view, the concept of quantum information lies at the heart of that account.
In this talk - which is not-technical and requires no specialist scientific knowledge - I will show address some popular misconceptions about what quantum mechanics means, and explain what we can currently say about what it does mean.
Speaker: Phillip Ball
Host: Zlatko Minev, Ph.D.
The Qiskit Quantum Seminar is a deep dive into various academic and research topics within the quantum community. It will feature community members and leaders every Friday, 12 PM EDT.