Putting the pseudo into pseudoscience! - I try to test a random wire, dipole and JPC12 antenna.

Putting the pseudo into pseudoscience! - I try to test a random wire, dipole and JPC12 antenna.

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Putting the pseudo into pseudoscience! - I try to test a random wire, dipole and JPC12 antenna.
Let's be honest, the last time I tried to use the JPC12 antenna we didn't really get the results that I was hoping for. How bad is it really??? Today I try to compare the JPC12 with my random wire antenna and a dipole. Which is going to be better and by how much. Is it worth the effort to setup a dipole and is the random wire really any better than the JPC12? I'm testing this on the 40m band so remember that if you are comparing on other bands that you will likely end up with completely different results. I'm using the G90 for the transmitter and I'm listening to the output using the kiwisdr which can be found here: http://kiwisdr.com/public/ The stations that I'm listening to are Rotorua and Marahau. I purchased my G90 from Techoman: https://techoman.co.nz I purchased my IC-705 from RWB: https://rwb.co.nz/product-category/amateur/ #hamradio #amateurradio #parksontheair #summitsontheair #lakesontheair #pota #sota #hema #lota #iota #g90 #newzealand #ic705 #antenna #marlborough #xiegu #icom #randomwire #antenna #pac12 #jpc12 #dipole