► Watch the HSL Color Grade Video:
I showed you how to easily color grade a photo a few weeks ago. It brought out a LOT of questions about split toning, luminosity masks, and more advanced thoughts. I figured I would follow up that Color Grading video with a more advanced look at color grading with my favorite tool... Blend If!
Blend If is intimidating, I get it. First and foremost, it is very difficult to find in Photoshop and because it is so secluded, we almost forget about it. It's also not described very well and there are many ways to use it depending on how you are working with it.
In this tutorial, I will show you how to blend highlights and shadows with different color grades using Blend If. I will also show you how to protect ANY color with Blend If as well!
••• Video Chapters •••
00:00 Introduction
00:43 Color Grading Yosemite
01:23 Color Grading with HSL
02:30 Using Blend If to Protect Shadows
03:15 Visualizing Blend If
04:40 Color Grading the Shadows
06:23 Next Level Color Grading
07:20 Color Grading for Blue
08:17 Protecting YELLOW with Blend If
10:19 Color Grading for Blue
11:22 Protecting BLUE with Blend If
12:32 Mixing Blend If Blue and Blend If GREY
13:09 Why Blend If Is Best
#ColorGrading #BlendIf #PrecisionControl
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