Powerful Soaking Prayer, Precious Blood of Jesus. Family tree healing, Deliverance, Binding, Healing
Keep this Powerful Soaking Prayer running in the background and let His powerful life giving Blood of Jesus permeate and cleanse your habitat, your family tree and all associated with you... With the Prayers from the Imitation of Christ...
Holy and Eternal Father, behold, I present myself before Thee, begging Thee to listen favorably to the supplication I most humbly address to Thy Divine Majesty. It is not in my name I pray, but in the name of Jesus Whom I have offended, and Who pardons me mercifully. I substitute Him in my place. It is His Divine Blood which I present to Thee, O God of goodness, repeating a thousand times from the depth of my heart: Jesus Crucified is my reparation, I offer Him to Thee; Jesus Crucified is my Victim, my Holocaust, my Host, I offer Him to Thee; Jesus Crucified is my tender solicitude for sinners and my sorrow for their offences and my own, I offer Him to Thee; Jesus Crucified is my prayer as His Blood is my voice, I offer Him to Thee; Jesus Crucified is my faith, my hope and my love, I offer Him to Thee; Jesus Crucified is my adoration, I offer Him to Thee; Jesus Crucified is my zeal for Thy glory and for that of His Precious Blood, I offer Him to Thee; Jesus Crucified is my surety, as His Blood is payment of all my debt, I offer Him to Thee.
Holy and Eternal Father, I offer all curses, evil covenants, mortal sins, bondages, evil habits, customs, practices, habitual sins and addictions associated with my ancestry and my family lineage. I offer every area in my life and that of my family tree, ancestry, community where the devil has a stronghold. May the precious blood of Jesus shed for me in Calvary, wash and purge those areas releasing bondages and breathing in new life. Every power of sickness and illness, every weak cells, every malignant cells, every inflammation and infection, every pain and brokenness in my body, mind and spirit be purged right now by the life giving blood of Jesus. May all the inner wounds of physical, sexual, verbal abuse received from my inception till date, be cleansed and healed by the life giving blood of Jesus. May the healing blood of Jesus grant me the special grace to forgive all offence done against me and let this cleansing blood cleanse my memory from all the effects of abuse, sin and pain. I pray a blessing upon all those who have hurt me in the past. May all the people who have been hurt or abused by me or anyone associated with my family lineage, receive right now the healing touch of the Holy Blood of Jesus. Any ancestral curse or curses up on me or my family tree due to the tears and pains of an innocent victim, be cleansed by the holy blood of Jesus. May the blood of Jesus flow into their broken hearts, their families and all associated with them. May the blood and water gushing out from the open side of Jesus, reverse all curses and generate new life, a new resurgence in me and my family tree. May all my family members, our houses, schools & campuses, working places, income means, our vehicles, all household and work related equipment, our properties, all associates, co-workers and community members, our enemies and all those who hate us - be marked and secured right now with the precious blood of Jesus. O Immaculate Mary, pour out a drop of the precious blood of Jesus and a drop of blood from your own sword pierced Immaculate Heart, into every area of my life to break every power of Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Anger, Pride, Sloth, spirit of fear, doubt and lack of faith. May the life giving Blood of Jesus mingled with the Virginal Blood of Mother mary, that flowed into the veins of Jesus, purge out at this very moment, every power of sin and death from me, our family tree, our community, our associates, our working places, our schools and campuses, our neighborhood, our parish, diocese and this entire nation. May the holy blood of Jesus, flowing from each of His Holy wounds wash away every power of guilt, pain, shame, self-pity and every area in my life which needs a fresh release. I join Mother Mary, St Mary Magdalene & St John, kneeling down sinful and sorrowful at the feet of the Cross in Calvary and plead that one drop of that precious blood fall on my head, so as to direct my wisdom, memory, intellect, senses, decisions and my entire will to follow the will of Jesus, all the days of my life. Above everything, I pray that this redeeming Blood of Jesus will set me victorious against the greatest and vicious enemy of human kind – my own exalted self. O Lord, look upon this God Who annihilated Himself for Thy glory; and, for love of Him, forgive us all our sins; grant us all the favors which we solicit by the voice of His Blood and of His Wounds, and arrest the course of outrages which is incessantly renewed against Him. Amen.
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