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Discover the rich tapestry of sacred Christian music from the 15th to the 18th century in our latest video. Immerse yourself in the intricate and harmonious world of polyphony, a style characterized by multiple independent vocal lines interweaving to create a complex and beautiful soundscape.
Motets and madrigals are two distinct yet equally captivating forms of vocal music that flourished during this period.
Motets are sacred choral compositions, often based on Latin texts, that were integral to liturgical services and other religious ceremonies. Their structure and style evolved over centuries, reflecting the deep spiritual and emotional currents of their time.
Madrigals, on the other hand, are secular vocal music compositions, often set to poetic texts in the vernacular languages of the time. They were popular in courts and among the educated elite, known for their expressive melodies and intricate counterpoint.
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The Splendours of Polyphony:
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➤ Music by:
Cappella Musicale Basilica di San Marco, Giovanni Vianini and Gruppo Vocale "Pro Musica Antiqua"
From the album 'Splendori della polifonia - Mottetti e madrigali per coro a quattro voci miste'
℗ 1989 La Gloria / Rusty Records
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00:00 Vexilla Regis Prodeunt
Guillaume Dufay (1400 - 1474) Cambrai
02:48 Adoramus Te Christe
Franchino Gaffurio (1451 - 1522) Lodi
06:32 O Jesu Christe
Jachet van Berchem (1580) Anversa
09:19 Ave Maris Stella
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525 - 1594) Roma
11:53 Sicut Cervus
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525 - 1594) Roma
14:43 Alma Redemptoris Mater
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525 - 1594) Roma
17:08 Regina Coeli Laetare
Gregor Aichinger (1556 - 1628) Ratisbona
19:34 Caligaverunt
Tomàs Luis De Victoria (1548 - 1611) Avila
23:26 Exultate Deo
Alessandro Scarlatti (1660 - 1725) Palermo
26:55 Intellige Clamorem
Alessandro Scarlatti (1660 - 1725) Palermo
29:55 Il bianco e dolce cigno
Jacob Arcadelt, Lorena, 1500-1568 madrigale di Guidiccioni (1539)
31:53 So ben mi c'ha bon tempo
Orazio Vecchi, Modena, 1550-1605 canzonetta (ed. Gardano 1590)
33:46 Chi la gagliarda, donne, vo' imparare
Baldassarre Donato, Venezia, 1520-1603 - villanesca alla napolitana (1550)
35:44 Bonzorno Madonna
Antonio Scandello, Bergamo, 1517-1580 villotta alla padovana (1566)
38:37 Madonna mia, Pietà
Orlando di Lasso, Monaco, 1532-1594 villanella (ed. Le Roy 1581)
40:25 Tutto lo mi dici: Canta!
Orlando di Lasso - moresca (1581)
45:37 De los Alamos vengo
Juan Vásquez, Badajoz (Spagna), 1510-1560 villancico (1560)
47:55 Fine knacks for ladies
John Dowland, Londra, 1562-1626 madrigale (1597)
50:14 Au Joly Boys
Claudin de Sermisy, Rouen. 1490-1562- chanson (1535)
51:52 Il est bel et bon
Pierre Passerau, Bourges, 1509-1547 - chanson (1534)
54:09 Quand Je bois du vin clairet
Pierre Attaingnant, Parigi. Edizione 1529 - chanson à boire (1535)
➤ Credits:
The singers sang in groups of four, eight and twelve: Luciana Ascari, Myriam Berga-maschi, Simonetta Bruzzone, Gabriella Chiappa, Claudia Feliciani, Mimma Gianfranceschi, Elena Lori, Maria Magnone, Patrizia Moreschi, Chiara Pietrogrande, Evelina Poggi, Donatella Pozzi, Roberta Riccardi, Carla Rottola, Emma Vianini, Gloria Vigo, Pietro Catizone, Luigi Livraghi, Paolo Magnone, Giacomo Muraro, Lorenzo Pietrogrande, Piero Pogliani, Giampiero l'amborini, Giorgio Vianini, Giovanni Vianini, Luca Vianini.
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