Polish Folk Song - Sowa Na Gaju Siada
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💕 Polish Lyrics 💕
Sowa na gaju siada
i słucha kto z kim gada,
Tu dzień, dzień, tu noc, noc,
tu bida, tu choc, choc
i słucha kto z kim gada.
Było tam dwoje ludzi,
oboje byli młodzi
Tu dzień, dzień, tu noc, noc,
tu bida, tu choc, choc
oboje byli młodzi.
I tak sobie radzili,
że dziecie będą mieli
Tu dzień, dzień, tu noc, noc,
tu bida, tu choc, choc
że dziecie będą mieli.
💕 Polish Lyrics 💕
💕 English Lyrics 💕
An owl sits in the barn,
and listens who talks with whom.
Here’s day, day, there’s night, night,
here’s poverty, there’s desire, desire,
and listens who talks with whom.
There were two people,
and both of them were young.
Here’s day, day, there’s night, night,
here’s poverty, there’s desire, desire,
and both of them were young.
And from their talks,
resulted a child.
Here’s day, day, there’s night, night,
here’s poverty, there’s desire, desire,
And they will have a baby.
💕 English Lyrics 💕