Platform Engineering for Software Developers and Architects - Daniel Bryant, Syntasso
Platform Engineering for Software Developers and Architects - Daniel Bryant, Syntasso
Building on my KubeCon EU 2022 talk, "From Kubernetes to PaaS to... err, what's next", I'll introduce the topic of platform engineering through the lens of a software developer and architect. My primary goal is for developers to understand "what good looks like" with a successful platform build and help them understand how a platform can influence the SDLC (for better or worse!) Key takeaways from the session: - Explore how platform architecture influences software architecture and vice versa - Learn why the principles of coupling and cohesion apply to platform components (and configuration) in the same way as they do with software components - Understand what to expect from an effective platform, including how applications are built, shipped, and run - Learn about key platform metrics grounded in developer experience frameworks such as DORA, SPACE, and DevEx