កម្រងសំនៀងមរតកដើម អ្នកស្រី ប៉ែន រ៉ន - Pen Rorn Collection Song - Khmer Old Song
រីករាយស្តាប់បទចម្រៀងមរតកដើមពិរោះៗ លោក ស៊ិន ស៊ីសាមុត លោក កែវ សារ៉ាត់ លោក អ៉ិន យ៉េង អ្នកស្រី រស់ សេរីសុធា និងតារាជើងចាស់ផ្សេងៗទៀត ពីមន្តស្នេហ៍តន្ត្រី និងបទចម្រៀងពិរោះៗជាច្រើនទៀត ។
Please enjoy listening of heritage song of Mr. Sin Sisamut, Keo Sarath, Mr. In Yeng, Mrs. Ros Sereysothea and other famous artists from Monsnae Music.
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🔔 Pls Subscribe, Like & Share to more beautiful song, thanks you.
🎵 Sin Sisamut: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOF5fsXi8fOaWJMYD6xvVevNq40zeKzr
🎵 Ros Sereysothea: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOF5fsXi8fMz9axwEgUNoq-YFPrWgq_c
🎵 Keo Sarath: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOF5fsXi8fOgtvU1HWrzo2bN5ozSMiWm
🎵 In Yeng:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOF5fsXi8fOEWEDscU3-ZrJUU2REKQVv
🎵 Chhlong Chleuy : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOF5fsXi8fNmISiK9WLeEI94VCtLfR67
🎵 Others : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbOF5fsXi8fOk3grFFlZZKADQWa2rn16Y
👍 Our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/monsnaemusic/
* Disclaimer: we do not own this song nor making any claim this song is ours. This is just for entertainment and share for fan to find Khmer Classic, Khmer Old Song online. Please leave a comment if you’re the owner and feel otherwise.