Paul Morphy's Magical Italian Game

Paul Morphy's Magical Italian Game

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Paul Morphy's Magical Italian Game
🔔 Don’t forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and turn on notifications for more chess content and openings! :) Buy a membership: Follow me… SECOND CHANNEL: TWITCH: X: Paul Charles Morphy was an American chess player. During his brief career in the late 1850s Morphy was acknowledged as the world's greatest chess master. The Italian Game is one of the oldest recorded chess openings and is defined by the development of the white bishop to c4 (the so-called "Italian bishop"), where it attacks Black's vulnerable f7-square. Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:12 Game 1 04:33 Game 2 07:30 Game 3 11:45 Game 4 14:29 Game 5 17:40 Game 6 22:34 Game 7 26:48 Game 8 Game 1: Paul Morphy vs Amateur, Paris 1859 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. d4 exd4 5. O-O Nxe4 6. Re1 d5 7. Bxd5 Qxd5 8. Nc3 Qh5 9. Nxe4 Be6 10. Neg5 Bb4 11. Rxe6+ fxe6 12. Nxe6 Qf7 13. Nfg5 Qe7 14. Qe2 Bd6 15. Nxg7+ Kd7 16. Qg4+ Kd8 17. Nf7+ Qxf7 18. Bg5+ Be7 19. Ne6+ Kc8 20. Nc5+ Kb8 21. Nd7+ Kc8 22. Nb6+ Kb8 23. Qc8+ Rxc8 24. Nd7# 1-0 Game 2: Paul Morphy vs NN, New York 1857 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Bxb4 5. c3 Ba5 6. d4 exd4 7. O-O Nf6 8. Ba3 Bb6 9. Qb3 d5 10. exd5 Na5 11. Re1+ Be6 12. dxe6 Nxb3 13. exf7+ Kd7 14. Be6+ Kc6 15. Ne5+ Kb5 16. Bc4+ Ka5 17. Bb4+ Ka4 18. axb3# 1-0 Game 3: Paul Morphy vs Amateur, Blindfold in New Orleans 1858 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. d4 exd4 5. Ng5 d5 6. exd5 Nxd5 7. O-O Be7 8. Nxf7 Kxf7 9. Qf3+ Ke6 10. Nc3 dxc3 11. Re1+ Ne5 12. Bf4 Bf6 13. Bxe5 Bxe5 14. Rxe5+ Kxe5 15. Re1+ Kd4 16. Bxd5 Re8 17. Qd3+ Kc5 18. b4+ Kxb4 19. Qd4+ 1-0 Game 4: Paul Morphy vs NN, ? ? 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5 Nxd5 6. Nxf7 Kxf7 7. Qf3+ Ke6 8. Nc3 Ne7 9. O-O c6 10. d4 exd4 11. Re1+ Kd7 12. Nxd5 Nxd5 13. Bxd5 cxd5 14. Qxd5+ Kc7 15. Bf4+ Bd6 16. Qc5+ Kb8 17. Qxd6+ Qxd6 18. Bxd6# 1-0 Game 5: Paul Morphy vs Domingues, Blindfold in Havana 1864 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. d4 exd4 5. O-O Bc5 6. e5 Ne4 7. Bd5 f5 8. exf6 Nxf6 9. Bg5 Be7 10. Bxf6 Bxf6 11. Re1+ Ne7 12. Ne5 Bxe5 13. Qh5+ g6 14. Qxe5 Rf8 15. Nd2 c6 16. Nc4 d6 17. Nxd6+ Kd7 18. Be6+ Kc7 19. Nxc8+ Qd6 20. Qxd6# 1-0 Game 6: Paul Morphy vs Jules Arnous de Riviere, Paris 1858 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Bxb4 5. c3 Bc5 6. O-O d6 7. d4 exd4 8. cxd4 Bb6 9. Nc3 Nf6 10. e5 d5 11. exf6 dxc4 12. fxg7 Rg8 13. Re1+ Be6 14. d5 Qf6 15. Bg5 Qxc3 16. dxe6 Qd3 17. exf7+ Kxf7 18. Re7+ Kg6 19. Qe1 Qd5 20. Rd1 Nd4 21. Rxd4 Bxd4 22. Qb1+ 1-0 Game 7: Paul Morphy vs Ernest Morphy, New Orleans ? 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Bxb4 5. c3 Ba5 6. d4 exd4 7. O-O Bxc3 8. Nxc3 dxc3 9. Ba3 d6 10. Qb3 Nh6 11. Qxc3 Qf6 12. e5 dxe5 13. Rfe1 Bd7 14. Rab1 O-O-O 15. Ba6 Na5 16. Rec1 Bc6 17. Qxa5 bxa6 18. Qxa6+ Kd7 19. Rxc6 Qf5 20. Rxc7+ Ke8 21. Qc6+ Qd7 22. Rb8 Qxc6 23. Re7+ Kf8 24. Rxd8+ Qe8 25. Rdxe8# 1-0 Game 8: Paul Morphy vs James McConnell, New Orleans ? 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Bxb4 5. c3 Bc5 6. O-O d6 7. d4 exd4 8. cxd4 Bb6 9. d5 Ne5 10. Nxe5 dxe5 11. Bb2 Qe7 12. Qb3 Nf6 13. Kh1 Ng4 14. Qg3 Qc5 15. Bb3 Nxf2+ 16. Rxf2 Qxf2 17. Qxe5+ Kd8 18. Qxg7 Re8 19. Bf6+ Kd7 20. Qxf7+ Kd6 21. e5+ Rxe5 22. Qf8+ 1-0 #chess