Understanding modern art can be difficult. This is first part of a series of videos is intended to help with that, by explaining the concepts and reasons behind some of the more mad art from art history. We start by considering the work of Paul Cézanne, one of the artists commonly considered a transition point between traditional art and modern art. Cézanne is an influential figure whose work foreshadows much of the changes to come to art in the 20th century and as such he is often considered the "father" of modern art.. This video attempts to make sense of just what he was doing and how it is relevant to our understanding of modern art.
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Part 2 here-
Part 3 here-
Music used
Vals op.8 No4 by A.Barrios-played by Frank Hiemenz, 1985-pp-studio
Carcassi-Study-in-A-majeur-op.60 Nr.3 guitar by F.Hiemenz